Tea and Intuition July 06 2023
By Amy Blackthorn, Author of “Blackthorn’s Botanical Magic.”
When attempting to connect to the collective unconscious, one of the most challenging parts of opening ourselves to our psychic gifts is quieting the conscious mind of day-to-day chatter that permeates our thoughts, even when we attempt to relax. To do that, let's establish your very own ritual designed to help you engage all of your senses and keep you present at the moment. That ritual is known the world over for connecting people to their inner selves; I’m talking about tea. Lavender is known the world over as a sedative herb, capable of reducing anxiety. Chamomile is calming, internally as well as externally. Reducing external stimulation is another factor in keeping the link with the inner realm connected and reducing caffeine intake can aid that goal. Blending your teas can be a satisfying way to connect the threads of the things you'll learn here today.
Lavender is one of the most common anxiolytic herbs on the market today. Lavender is so synonymous with herbal medicine that it is one of the most commonly adulterated essential oils on the shelves, not because of the cost to produce but to keep up with demand. Adding a quarter of a teaspoon of lavender buds to your tea is enough to bring out the warm, flavor of this herb. Though this lovely purple bud is a flower, it won't add a traditional floral taste to your tea. This member of the mint family adds a sharper mintier note in the camphor family, closer to the note of rosemary and bringing the air of nobility to your tea ritual. By adding an anxiolytic herb like lavender to a psychic tea, you not only relax the active parts of the mind that are apprehensive about a potential outcome of the divination but allow the active part of the brain to quiet and allow the subconscious to step forward.
In emotionally charged situations, people reach for chamomile for its calming effect. Chamomile works both aromatically and physiologically. Chamomile is soothing to muscles and tempers alike. Chamomile also causes blood vessels to dilate, for this reason, consult with doctors if you are on blood pressure medications or blood thinners. The calming effect of chamomile will allow meditative qualities shine through and along with breathing techniques, enter an altered state of consciousness. For those not familiar with the flavor of chamomile, it gets its name from the taste, which loosely translates to, 'ground apple.'
The last piece to this puzzle in linking tea and the sixth sense, in turning up the volume on the inner voice. One of the ways to do this is by reducing the external noise created by caffeine. I'm not saying that it is harmful to anyone, I'm not a doctor. I'm stating that if you want to get in touch with your inner mystic, you can't be wired for sound on Monster energy drinks. You'll be hearing sounds, but your inner voice. The best way if you choose (free will is a beautiful thing!) to reduce your caffeine intake for this exercise is to create an herbal tea base. Most people hear 'herbal' and think mystery plant matter that tastes like dust and is a vaguely green/gray color. The best herbal tea base to use that blasts those assumptions out of the water is Honeybush or "Red Tea" (Cyclopia species) it grows in South Africa. It is caffeine free, and unlike its caffeinated cousin, it does not bitter if over steeped. It has a neutral/sweet flavor and is delightful as a stand-alone tea or as the base for all teas, fruity, herbal, spicy or sweet!
Another way to link your practice is to bring some elements of the natural world into your daily practice. Simply having tea is a balm for the soul. Having a calming cup, a few minutes of focused breathing, and practicing opening the mind to intuition By regularly exercising the psychic link, it becomes second nature. Blending teas can provide a satisfying way to connect calm, center and collect your thoughts before beginning the journey inward and I hope you will try it if not for your own sake, for the sake of the people your inner voice may help.
*Make sure to take the time to write down any recipes you come up with so that your results can be duplicated at a later date.
**Neither lavender nor chamomile is recommended for pregnant people in the first trimester. Please consult your pregnancy professionals before taking any teas, herbs, essential oils, or supplements during pregnancy.
Get to know the author!
Amy Blackthorn is the author of, “Blackthorn’s Botanical Magic” an encyclopedia of magical aromatherapy as well as many others.
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